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Lifeonaire Online Meeting

with... Multiple Speaker(s)

Free to Attend

Monday, July 18, 2022 6:30 PM - 8:00 PM
Lifeonaire Online FREE Class

When you attend the meeting you’ll learn:

    • The one mistake that people make in setting up their businesses that almost guarantees they’ll eventually become slaves to it.
    • How to discover what you really want for your life and how to get it (without even realizing it, many of us are just living the lives that others want for us).
    • How to create a simple, achievable and realistic roadmap to get you from where you are right now to where you want to be - as quickly and easily as possible.
    • The 4 Stages of Financial Prosperity you absolutely must follow if you want to avoid the mistakes and traps that so many people fall into and never get out of. Do these steps out of order (or not at all) and you’re destined for failure.
    • How to systematically make the transition from you working for your money, to having your assets pay for your lifestyle and being “job optional”.
    • The “Secret Sauce” that only a small minority of investors know but that allows them to be more productive, efficient, effective, and PROFITABLE in their businesses.
    • How to design and start living a crystal-clear Lifeonaire Vision how to be at a level 10 on all of them at once!
    • The one question you always need to ask yourself whenever you’re presented with any kind of opportunity – or you risk everything you’ve worked so hard to achieve.
    • How to set up your real estate business in a way that it’s impossible to lose! When you do this you set yourself up to win - guaranteed.
    • The secrets of living a balanced life so that you’re not always putting out fires in the areas you’ve neglected.
    • How to run an insanely profitable real estate business that you love and only work 20-24 hours per week in.
    • How (and when) to leave your 9-5 job behind and feel 100% secure in your decision, knowing you can’t fail.
    • The key to taking control of your life and business and designing your future in a way that will lead to long-term fulfillment and growth.
    • How to achieve REAL wealth and abundance (this will shock you because no one teaches this except us.)
    • How to “become your vision” and take it from being on paper and translating it into REAL LIFE. And no - you can’t just “manifest” it! 
    • Why the whole “good debt, bad debt” theory is a complete and bold-faced lie and what you can do today to avoid spending a single dollar on interest ever again. 
    • The number one reason people don’t feel the freedom in their business they so strongly desire.  (99.0% of investors are doing this WRONG and continue to chase their tails as a result!)
    • Strategies and real-life tactics to become debt-free in record time.
    • Discover what it is that makes life worth living to you and how to find meaning, fulfillment, and purpose.
    • The single simple test that will tell you if you’re living your ideal vision or someone else's version.
    • How to identify and eliminate negative conditioning that has held you back in life and how to avoid getting sucked back in.
    • Why using debt as a tax write-off strategy may be the dumbest thing you could possibly do. We have a better idea but it’s controversial.
    • The seductive yet deadly mistake so many people make in their attempts to gain happiness but instead become completely miserable.
    • How to deliberately design and live each and every day in a way you love.
    • What single and brutally honest question will determine what you want your life to look like and what kind of legacy you will leave behind.
    • How to not let your current situation or circumstances dictate your future potential. Don’t be a victim to your past!
    • How to finally escape the “rat race” FOR GOOD and say adios to the Joneses.
    • How to run a 100% debt free real estate investing business.  And yes…that includes rental properties!
    • Why working more than 4-5 hours per day will actually produce LESS income for you this year.

Free Event

Date:  Monday, July 18, 2022
Time:  6:30 PM - 8:00 PM

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Your email will never be shared or sold to other members, vendors or any other third party without your consent.

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Real Estate Investors of Nashville
4525 Harding Pike Suite 200
Nashville, TN 37205
(615) 885-5454

Proud Chapter of National REIA

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